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April 15, 1942.

Writer: Flea Market Love LettersFlea Market Love Letters

(it’s 1 now – I’ll see if I get a stamp from the Porter and get this letter off for morning mail)

Bye Baby XXX

Hello Dearest Darling,

It’s 12 mid-night now and I just got in. The Porter handed me your letter too! Darling, it was an awful sweet letter! Gee, a few more of them and I’ll be all set again for a while. - oh yes - you are wondering where I have been since early this morning and finally  getting back at 12, ain’t you? Well, Beloved – I was out to Roy’s house and we were fixing his motor boat, it’s a honey!  Four seater and really a pretty thing! We brought $6.50 worth of paint and stuff to tune it all up for the season – its the fastest on the lake too! Anyway, after supper (very good ) we went to see H.W.Pulhan Esq. – Darling, I think I remember you asking me if I saw it – and I can see why you asked me. Oh honey! There were so many things that happened in that Picture that reminded me of us two. Especially the letter he received when he went home to take over his father’s business – remember? Betty Darling, please please don’t ever let anything like that happen to us! When I come home, I am afraid I had a little something in my eye again but when I turned your letter and kissed it, everything was swell again Honey. Let’s hope it remains that way!

I am glad you like the flowers and that they lasted so long – I hope they were nice ones but I don’t think I could ever find a flower suited to a girl as wonderful as you. Darling, you must live an awful life in this world, there really isn’t a thing in it that is worthy of ever so much as a Betty Sweetheart. Nod from one so Perfect as you. And still I hope and pray that you will nod and say “Yes” when I return to you. I can’t tell you why I should think that I could – or have the right to even dream of such things but maybe “Cinderella” is being [unreadable]and for this changing world of ours, let’s hope so anyway?!

I am supposed to get get up at 8 tomorrow morning and see about our live stocks – and my Darling we certainly need you very much and have always figured you in on the deal! So, the soon you come to the “Miller-Fowler Box X Double Q” ranch, the better! Honey, how I do wish you’d come and work at “unsoldered aircraft” as inspector or Secretary – and you can do it as plain and easy as the nose on your beautiful baby face! They’re screaming for women out here! And me too! My only aim is to marry you Betty.

It’s nice of you to help Anna Mae though – it’s going to be tough for her – maybe you can sorta talk about us and carry on a few conversations along the same line as here – if you know what I mean – and that is if our separation means anything to you.

Sweetness you asked about my weight – well in the past few months I have been quite uneasy and worried – I guess – I lost a few pounds but still weigh 170 – otherwise my health is pretty good and I usually get from 10 to 12 hours of sleep every night! And that’s no joke! In fact I didn’t get down to move my car this morning until 11:30 and low + behold – a ticket!

Wonderful, I am glad you’re feeling so swell and have all that extra pep and stuff! – sorry this letter is late – mabe get two today! – Sweetheart always remember and remember I really love you so much it actually hurts! That’s a fact! Bye sweet –



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