Dearest darling,
Well you certainly are a swell nurse. Yes, you’re just what this marine needed. You know why? Cause a certain little box of very nice candies brought me right back to life again.
Thanks hon ever so much for your thoughtfulness. Being broke you couldn’t have sent them at a better time. Some very nice class too. One of my pals said – “Your gal certainly likes fine quality, you can see that by her taste. You’re a lucky fellow to have such a girl.” (I know it too.)
I appreciate your kind thoughts ever so much sweet. THe girl that sent them is just as sweet as the candy. Thanks again, hon. I love them.
I feel a little more powerful again. THe heat is just as bad only I’m getting more accustom to it.
Here’s news. My code instructor is a young fellow from Manchester Connecticut. We just happened to be talking after class and we found out we both came from the same state. He went to Conn. Univ. for 2 years. He previously worked at P+W and E.H! Name is Barney Cunningham. About 21. We are inseparable now. We know lots of people we speak of.
I have him some candy and when he saw your picture as I was giving it to him in front of my locker, he said “is that your ‘Connecticut Beauty’ who thinks of you as much as to send you such a swell present?” He says that he send his thanks for the candy he had.
He told me a rather downhearted story though. He was engaged but being in here almost a year hea got a letter two weeks ago from his girl saying she found somebody else since he’d been gone and was very sorry to have to say he’d better just forget her! He says that no girl will wait no matter how she says she will or loves you. But I told him my girl is the one in a million so you see darling I have all my faith in you. I don’t worry cause I believe you unless you say I did something that you wouldn’t like. I feel sorry for the fellow but he don’t give a darn the way he talks. See if it ever happened to me – well i don’t know what I would do!! I hate to even think of things like that.
No letter to-day hon, but your package came in place. I liked the cute little card inside. I guess the postman just forgot your letters since Sat. I hope I get 3 tomorrow.
My race car got here today. Were the fellows ever fooled? Wow! They laughed about it all afternoon.
Darling I’m always thinking of you and wish we were together. I love you and will always. Your my one and only.
Goodnight, sweetheart.
Your Jack
P.S. Order just came on bulletin. The Navy has now let down their 2 year college barrier. Anyone wanting Cadet training for Navy or Marine Corps can take the test now!! As soon as possible I’m taking it!! Whippie! Do you know what this means hon? Yes we enlisted men have the break if we can pass physical. Oh boy!