Hello Darling,
Baby I am sorry about that letter I sent you today, I’ve been wondering about it ever since I dropped it in the mail box this morning. I hope you won’t hold it against me, I guess I know why you aren’t writing to me any more. I told you a long time ago that it would be a miracle if you didn’t wake up to the fact that could get a much better guy than I am. I see that you have finally awaken but it’s too late. You see, you have hurt me to the fullest extent. In other words, I was playing with fire and I got burned. Betty, I loved you will all my heart and soul. I was a very sorry boy when I realized the many things I had done to make you so unhappy. There was a good many of them too, wasn’t there? But Darling, I really was trying to make things work for the best for us when I made this one mistake of coming to Texas. I believe that had more to do with our troubles than any other thing, isn’t that right? I thought that once you told me you would marry me that you meant it and that you would wait for me to get ready for the event I realize things haven’t been going right for me and I still thought you would bear with me. I guess six months was your limit. I hope you don’t think I liked the idea of all this trouble I’ve been having in fact I think I hated it more than you did because I knew you weren’t going to wait for ever and I knew i was gradually loosing you. Darling it’s not a very nice thought to know that you are loosing the only girl you adore. I would rather have you for my own than any other thing I can think of. In fact there is only one I’d die for first and you know what that is.
Well, Sweet, I guess that’s about all I can say. I am sorry. Please write at least once more . Tell me what is what and everything. Will you?
I feel like tearing up this letter and writing the kind I’d much rather write. You know what kind that is, don’t you? I don’t think you’d like that though, would you?
Say, Hon, what if I just left this whole shooting match to blow to the four winds, sell my car and everything, catch a train and came home, would that make any difference? Would you care for me then? If you would only tell me what you wanted me to do, I’d do it. Please tell me, I’ll do anything to win you back to me.
Darling I love you more than I’ll ever be able to prove I guess.
Please write to me Betty!
I miss it so much,
Love Me