Hi Solider:
I guess you don’t know what to say to this, but last Sat. I got on the train going to Nashville, their was a solider on. He was very nice, his name was Jack Heller. Two of my girl friends was with me but they was married + he ask me if I would write a friend of his + I said I would.
I like all soldiers because they stand for America. I have a brother in the service of Fort Louis, Wash.
I’m in defenses work, I help make your [unreadable]. I live in a very small village. It is just five mil. From Pulaski. We don’t have so very much to do for pass time expect dancing, swimming, + going to movies but I’m a dear lover of all sports.
I have a cousin their at Fort Bliss. Here is hoping I will get an ans. Telling me about your self.
Yours Truly,
Yvonne Wilburn
Godspring, Tenn.