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Writer's pictureFlea Market Love Letters

August 28,1918.

Dear Mother --

Received a letter from you yesterday and was certainly glad to hear from you. Also received one from Charlie G. I wonder if you have received any of my letters. You didn’t say anything about them so you must have not. Our mail is pretty slow going out I guess as it has to be censored.

I suppose Pismo must be getting pretty dull now. Ted must be lonesome now with all the boys gone.

Oh yea, about that sweater and things that you made. I have a sweater, socks, and wristlets that I got from Red Cross here. I would like awfully well to get the ones that you made but I would have to go to an awful lot of trouble and then maybe I wouldn’t get it. So I think it would be better for you just to give it to the Red Cross. The Red Cross sure does a lot for the soldiers over here.

Has Charlie got back from New Zealand yet? Where is Sarah now? The next time you write to her tell her to write to me. Is Alice still in San Louis? The next time you write give me the number of Paul’s company and regiment. I may accidentally run across him sometime over here. I’m beginning to like France fine now. I’m learning to speak French too. I can say two words “oui, oui?” The most I hear of it the less I understand. They say its easy to learn. But I think I would rather try to learn Chinese. I don’t think it could be any harder.

How is Ted getting alone with the motorcycle? Is Gene running the tractor now? Has Bob Markman and Henry Anderson been called in the draft yet? Where is Willie Trilove now? About all I can write in a letter is to ask questions. I’ll have to wait till I get back home then I can tell you all about my experiences.

Well I will close now as its nearly time for retreat. Be sure to write soon and often and tell all the boys to write. Do not worry if you do not hear from me for long intervals because the letters may be lost or delayed.

Your son, Walter


5th Am.


Via New York

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