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December 19, 1926.

Writer: Flea Market Love LettersFlea Market Love Letters

My dear Son: - 

Don’t you “sprize” Papa this year with any phone call from Washington to meet you at 3:30 a.m. for it si too doggone cold and miserable up here to get old Misr “MacLeod” started on business let along anything else. I certainly wish that Mama + I + Herman could be enjoying your climate down there. The thermometer registered 6 degree above at & o'clock yesterday morning. 

You’re a lucky guy. 

Now I want you to write + tell me just exactly how you are in mind + body. (Your letter certainly sound good to us) and what your plans for school are in January, and in the meantime have you looked into the insurance business? 

Jack, why not try to get a position in such an office for 2 or 3 weeks to get an insight into its workings? What do you think? 

You remember the condition of our neighbor, John McMullen’s nerves this past summer? Well they are in much better condition now – they are; he was married again about 6 weeks ago, he was. 

We received a letter from Sev Yarnall to-doay containing an express receipt for a box of oranges from “The Island” remember our visit out there with Sev? 

We are to “carry” some of the fruit to Grand-mother. He also said that Mrs. Yarnall + he had a nice visit from Aunt Helen + you. 

Remember me to Grand-dad + especially to Aunt Helen. I hope she is quite well again (She’s another “lucky guy”)

I wish you all a Merry Christmas + very happy New Year. See ^ you at the M+M. with the robins. 


Let me know how your finances are. Don’t be in a hurry about that lot in St. Pete. How is the new pier. 



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