Dec 20, 1944
Dear Mom,
Seems in every paper you pick up there are pictures of french girls with there arm around American kissing them.
Well this is about the best I could do. (Not she the wooden shoes in French they are called “sabos”) This picture was taken on of the first days in France. You will note we caught n quickly to the fad of wearing handkerchiefs. (Besides it kept your collar clean.) the one I am wearing in this picture and [unreadable] I shipping home as it beginning to fade and I want to save it as its all written in French.
Received a package tonight and it had my white [unreadable] slippers in it boy they looked in good shape you did a good job on them Mom. Think we’ll have some cheese and crackers to night. The reason I don’t request anything any more is because we now have everything and the only thing I can think of is another pair of gloves and some heavy socks.
Love as always,