My Dearest Darling
This is Christmas evening + I am going to spend it with you darling, Honey, I am so lonely with out you I just sorta walked all around today in a trance I guess I was sorta tired + hungry it has been raining all day it is very nasty out side it is cold out too I came hear at the Service Mens Lounge to take a shower + shave I got coffee +s something to eat also tomorrow morning I got to report in for duty this has been the worst Xmas I believe I have ever went through if only I could of had you + Sonny for a day it would of been a grand Xmas I am sure but I guess this damn Navy fixed that for me you see Dear when a guy gets lonely like I have been a lot of crazy ideas come in a guys head you see Dear I have not gotten no mail from you since you left Florida I am worried about I do know you have had trouble with your mother + all + I am also worried about your not having enough money for Xmas oh just a million ideas worry me Honey I wish I knew just what in the hell is wrong with me I guess I am mute if I ain’t I will be I guess maybe it is because I love my wife too much well anyway I think you are grand I do love you dear very very much + I always will Honey I wish you a very Happy Xmas I am very sorry I could not do more for you I guess I am just a no good Sailor like your Maw sad I was Oh yes did you have a nice Xmas Dinner I hope so I bet Sonny was very happy with the tree + all the excitement of your coming home How is our little boy did he grow a lot what did he say when he saw the tree + his presents did he like them I bet he keeps every body busy putting things away + he scatters the toys around I can just picture all that did you see any of your old friends in St. Louis I bet they were happy to see you at the Studio did you go their I guess I could ask a million questions but I better not now it will take a little time for you to answer a whole lot I already asked you gee + I am tired I am going back to the receiving Station in Brooklyn when I finish this letter + go to bed + dream of you I will be much better off in bed I am sure Darling I will close for today + just have an Xmas Date with you tonight I send you all my love on this Xmas Day + I send some of my Boy to kiss him for me dear tell him I thought of him all day to Dear Love to you both + Dear tell your Mother Aunt and Grandmaw I wished them a happy Xmas also now I seal this with all my love to you
My Darling with all my love