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December 3, 1943.

Writer: Flea Market Love LettersFlea Market Love Letters

Dearest Eddie, 

Well here it is Friday night again but not as pleasant a one as last weeks was. I was expecting you last week and it wasn’t raining. It has rained most of the afternoon. I went up to Drs this afternoon and had my blood test and he told that I was looking very good. Hows that? He said my belly was getting bigger and that I had been eating dried apples he guessed. Guess I did. They sure were very nice. 

Well Honey I finally got the bill fold for Uncle Charles now I have to get some little thing for Aunt Alice and kids. It is a real nice one. Mom, kids and I are going to see Santa Clause some day next week and plan to do some Christmas shopping while in the City. 

Honey I hope you understood my last letter and don’t feel as though I was trying to deprive you of the right to help pay for the arrival of our youngster but darling you are doing your share in sending home as much as you do every month as it is I may have to ask you to send some home after Christmas because if my plan works out I won’t have to cash of of our war bonds. I will let you know as soon as I found out for sure myself so please don’t worry. 

I agree with you in wishing that the 3 day passes were not quite so few and far between but I think that it won’t be long before we wont have to depend on pass or furloughs or leaves of any kind to be together. I’m keeping my fingers crossed and praying every night for it. Mammy and Pappy are going down to Stella’s for dinner Sunday so Alice and I will be all alone. 

I am now working on a pair of bed slippers for Eva they are crocheted. I am also working on a carriage robe in pink -blue-white for myself - knitted. So guess I will be kept pretty busy. Boy Jr. sure is going to town tonight guess he is jealous of his daddy and wants more of me for himself. Ha Ha. I showed my Mother that part of your letter containing the kisses and she said O.K. just wait till I write to him – I’ll fix his wagon. They haven’t heard from either of the boys and neither have I but guess we will as soon as they can find time to write letter. 

I bet when you come home next time Hubby Lew you won’t be able to stand in front of me and put your arms around me - at the rate I’m going now you will need an extension to stand at my side and reach around so there. And another thing so you think its funny and get quite a kick and thrill out of Jr. kicking me in the belly do you? O.K. I’ll tell you what all let you have all the fun and let you carry the next one then you can feel him kick all the time. Hows that for a bargain? Ha ha ha. Gee I’ve been neglecting my letters writing lately I haven’t written + Eva in about 2 weeks. Must do it soon. Wrote to Aunt Alice some time ago but haven’t had any answer back as yet. Have you heard again? 

I’m very pleased Darling that you had a good time while you were at home in spite of all my beefing. I got a very nice letter from Carrie Gardner today and she said that Mr. Searls had promised to fix the house next week. His excuse was that nobody was living there. It has been pretty cold here but I don’t think it has been as cold here as you say it has been down there. Oh yes my blood test was the same as the one we had before we were married and it didn’t hurt me either. I plan on going over to talk to Mrs. Mitchell tomorrow afternoon. 

Mom just had Ray call and ask me to go down to Apponaug to the Bingo Party with her and Mrs. Couter. 

Guess I will go it might be fun. She is supposed to be on the way now and will be here before long so I will have to cut this letter a little shorter then i was going too but I will write another soon and make it up to you sweetheart. I will close now and hope to hear from you again soon. 

Your check came yesterday. I went up and cashed it today. 

So long for now Darling. 

I love you very much – Goodnight and pleasant dreams. 

Love “Gerry” 





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