Dear Harry,
Hi handsome! The picture is wonderful!
Many ta’s for your gorgeous letter, also the pix!!
So you finally got the coloured one of me eh? About time too– glad you like it.
I haven’t any information to devulge regarding a passage, that all rests on the 10th now!
Talk about you getting excited, you can just guess who I’m feeling,I don’t know wether I’m walking on my head or feet, can’t be my head though else I would be bouncing!
So Syd is getting impatient for […] huh– I gather that the “Tomato” you mentioned is his girl! I looked it up in the dictionary and it says “vegetable”,guess he can’t marry one of those (must be a girl!!) I do hope I get to meet him!!!!
Look, my sweet– when I do finally arrive in the land of skyscarpers, there isn’t any necessity for you to meet me – really!! I know it will be awkward for you, regarding time etc. so just tell how and where I get transport to good old Philly. I should probably make it about a week after I land!!
How’s business old sport? Got a new girl yet? (in the shop of course, silly)
I told moms to expect a letter from you within the future, and she was so happy.
Oh yes! About the Xmas present deal; if I can’t send any then you aren’t to either, I’ll make your photo my present too! O.K.? Gosh! I’m flattered to know that you and Lillian dream of me keep it up– who’s knows what might issue forth?
I’ve undertaken an awful task– teaching my brother to dance!! and believe me, I suffer night and day for it.
Did you manage to get a car yet? They are quite plentiful here at a price, at least those are second hand ones, they are about four hundred pounds or more
I wrote to Lillian a couple of days ago, I hadn’t written to her for some time, shame on me!
It smells to me as though mother is cooking my favorite supper, fish & chips!! So I guess I’ll close the pages for now. Be good + write me soon– won’t you?
My love to all the folks!
All my love,