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December 12, 1858.

Writer: Flea Market Love LettersFlea Market Love Letters

Dear sister I have just received your kind letter my heart did rejoice to hear that you was well and able to work some for it helps to drive dull care away but o how grieved I felt when I thought how many miles separated us from each other that we could not enjoy a visit with one another oftener I often think of you tho far away yet I have neglected to write to you but if you knew the reason I think you would excuse me, first you know I have a large farm to work for I hardly see one mint to spare and I was very sick three months last spring no one thought I ever would recover I was oblige to have watchers four weeks but I am yet spared to take care of my family that my health is poor and the Doctor says I have the liver complaint the rest of the family is well as usual R is troubled very much with his old complaint a bad cough every winter, Jane has been here since July her health has been very good till the last to weeks she has had a hard time with her teeth and face I think she will stay here till spring o how I want to see you I could talk all night tho my head aches badly, o I wish when you leave Corttand Wm would think he could come west some where if he don’t like it here come to indiana [SP] or illinois or some place that suits him best so that we might hope to see each other some time William you and Laury come and see us won’t you you can come to to make on the ears that is 15 miles from our place R goes there and back in a day for goods, we have had all sorts of luck since we come to kickapoo we have lost one cow one yearlin heifer all of our sheep 14 head and the same as a horse so you can think we are getting rich, but i must tell you about our colt we have three pretty colts as need be two a year and a half and one six months I wish you could see them one span of horses two cows one yearlin heifer composes our stock, we have built a new barn on the farm this sumer we have had fine sleighing here three week I am going to sparta tomorrow to get me a sewing machine now I have told you enough for this letter it is a most 12 oclock and I must close so good night for this time. 

This from your friend 

M. Kinmore 

To Laury 

N.B. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy new year



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