Dear Bess, –
There are no reasons for my not writing other than I have been writing other people and going to the movies. These excuses will surely pass tho won’t they. Perhaps it would be best for me not to mention that it has been almost a week since my last letter for then you would not notice it. When you fail to write a long time and tell me about it I get angry if you would not mention the fact that I would never know the difference See I am giving you a few dots as to how to get along with me. No, if all is my wrinkles came from being angry with you I would look young for a long time.
Last night I went to the movies and saw my old lieut. On the screen. He is the one who had my casual co. and is now Capt. of Henderson’s section. It was old but good, I enjoyed it very much but have forgotten the name of the play. Something about “Patience”.
Well Bess this is going to be a poor letter. Don’t know what is the matter but I am not in the writing humor. I think of you very much and long to be with you. When my letters grow poor and few think little of it for you know to take my writing by spells. You surely have no cause to think that I am inclined to forget you at times but I realize how people watch for such and want to prevent any suspicions.
One Sunday I received letters no 53 and 54. They were surely good. It is so good to have your mail come so regular. One was written Jan. 18. Am glad that you are finding plenty of things to go to and enjoy yourself. You should have told me more about the “evening affair”. Know that you were more than pleased to have the old bachelor give a call. Wasn’t it sad to see him brave Easter again? It must have been. Well Bess, I was thinking the other day that you never mention being out with the fellows. I started to mention this fact in a letter and thought it best not to. I am sure you do for what else could I expect. Whether or not it is your place to tell me about it I can’t say. If you don’t mention it I would have no cause to be jealous while if you fail to mention it I myself have cause to suspicion you. We won’t worry about that for I wouldn’t think of asking you to stay away from the boys as long as I have the girls for it is surely a punishment. Have a big time with the fellows and if you think it best do not mention it. I can’t say that it makes me jealous but it does make me envious. When I return I will be someone that you can hardly put up with me. You say you wonder if I have changed. Well I have but won’t say if it is for better or for worse. If a year of this won’t change a man he is not normal.
It seems that the very times I try to write is when I am account of sorts. One day I think it is a great world and the next seems as tho life was a disappointment for me.
Some of the men who are to relieve this company come today so this means that I will soon be more working with a new outfit and the old bunch will be on their way home. I hear that the relieving company is one of the “selected” sort so you know this will be nice for me.
I should worry. Cannot help feel that there is a reward for me somewhere. If I ever get back to paris I am going to have a gay old time. You need not be surprised if I pull a regular “water sap” stunt. Am afraid that I won’t return before July 1. I didn’t care for their doing away with booze but as for the autoraces I won’t say.
We have some pretty cold weather now. The Rhine is floating with ice now. There is lots of skating but I haven’t participated so far. Got my share at the function of Rasberry and Northampton strucks. Do you realize that that happened more than a year ago? Am afraid that a year will have passed by the time we meet again. I have now set my time to see you in June.
I will write when the fellows leave. From the time they leave here I judge it will be about six weeks before they reach the States. Stanely has promised to visit you and tell you what a brave here I was. You need not expect me to send you anything by him for what I want to give you is something I wouldn’t trust him with – a big hug and lots of kisses.
With love to you all,
Sincerely yours,