Dearest Mama, Papa and Sisters will write you a few words to let you know I arrived safely. I have seen lots of snow on the way out here it shore was cold in places along the line.
Heard some good news to day heard they were letting all of them out hear and was going to let the rest out wright away. It might not be so but hears hoping it is.
If it is maybe I will get to come back quicker than I thought for. Well ever thing is green and pretty out hear.
Some of the gardens are about ready to gather. Well I did see in a place out two people gathering string beans.
It seems funny to go to sleep in a country where snow is all over every thing, then the next morning wake up and every thing green and pretty.
Well Papa guess you have got back from Astoria all wright.
I seen Mr. Bob Miller of Hagersman in Clovis as I came through them.
Well I guess I had better close this time for I want to go to bed early and get good night sleep after be on the go so much.
What is Rex doing by now. Take care of your selves and don’t to much.
Your loving and youngest son, A.N. Green
U.S. Naval Training Camp San Dago
Arrived here at 115 PM