Dearest Mama will write a few words to let you know how I am getting a long nicely.
Like this place pretty fare but like the ship better.
How is ever thang getting a long there by now just find I guess. Well if you see me coming in before long you don’t want to be surprised for I have now put in for a furlow and got it waiting for them to get it fixed up now.
Think I will get to leave here for home about next Tuesday. Don’t know for shore yet.
Has Rex got home yet the last letter I got from him he said that he thought he would be home by the 15th.
Wy don’t you all write I haven’t got but one letter since I [unreadable] was addressed to Mary Island.
Did you all get the pictures I sent you. They weren’t such good but I guess they will do.
Well I won’t loose no time about coming home. After they give me my pass.
Well must close as it is about chow time. Answers oon. Your loving son,
A.N. Green
Training Camp
Balboa Park
San Dago Calf.