Dearest Jack,
I scarcely know where to start to answer your letter - you seem to be in a busy whirl. I think you may have heard this before, but I am going to stand by saying “Your health comes first.”
I know you are pleased to have part in these various activities and really, Jack, they are as useful and some of them more so than your actual lessons. I know I can safely say this to you as you will never neglect your studies - you really are too conscientious about them - do not worry about marks - if you feel you are learning something each day do not feel that you must be at it every minute.
Mr. Parkhurst could tell you in five minutes all the Parliamentary Law you need to preside over an ordinary meeting - [unreadable] motions, amending motions, conducting elections, and you need not “hurt your head”, as Aunt Elsie says, with those ponderous looks.
By the time you receive this letter your party will be over - that will give you a little relief but I know you are getting lots fun out of getting ready.
We are just entering upon a cold wave - let us know about your weather. Has it been nice all the time? Like pleasant summer days here or last summer days?
What do you wear to school and to parties? When you have time write and tell us these things, but until your exams are over just a post card a couple of times a week saying how you are will be plenty.
I know you will be glad to get this card from “Pell Trenton”.
Do you hear from Mordy? I am going to stop there on way to club some day. Have not seen any of them since a day or so before Xmas - saw Mr. H at Broad St. Sta. They sent us Xmas greeting. Is the Palmetto and Pine still flourishing? Am enclosing notes for Mrs. Parkhurst.
All send love. Herman is having exams and will write in a few days.
Love Mother
[Notes around the pages:]
Our concert is coming on finely. I just love the rehearsals.
Have you everything you need? Have you seen Cousins Harris and Mary [unreadable]?
Eddie [unreadable] was dropped from Wharton School at Xmas time after being warned a couple of times.