North Bay, N.Y.
Jan. 24, 1893
Dear Lena,
Your interesting letter came Monday morning on the mail train from Oneida it must have left your city Sunday night for I never have received them before until the after noon train.
Of course I am delighted to receive them at any time – the sooner, the better.
I got on very nicely with Auntie and Uncle both away. Irma came over and staid with me nights and one evening Willie Mac came and I declared to Grandmad H. and Ed Tripp that he was Irma’s company and that she entertained him over here so her Mamma would not know.
Mrs. Flauagan is ill, the doctor says her lungs are congested and she is quite bad i.e. her health is.
I had a bill of goods from True Brothers and one from Tuller’s while I was alone.
Sunday was a lovely day in Vienna as well as Oswego, and I went over home and found the people pleased to see me. Mamma said a dozen or less times “Lizzie, when are you coming home again?”
Auntie came home with me Sunday night and we have been very busy ever since: she says she wishes Lena were here to be with us now – we would have a fine time! She also says she heard me read the last letter from you and did not think you were such a girl as I – just a poor old maid.
Say! Wasn’t that fun! Too bad though. I expect that is the way they will play tricks on me when I am a poor O.M.
Auntie says maybe you’ll know how it seems sometimes but I told her I did not think you’d ever be one.
Marrion says I may tell you he has recovered and has there for given up walking in the straight and narrow way. Bad boy is he not!
I wish you would write and give Hatie a full description of the rat under Miss Norris’ bed. How it would make her “loff.”
Had I been in Miss Norris’ place I should have looked very hopefully as I bent on my knees to look under the bed – thinking perhaps there might be a man under there (?)
George Edell wishes to be remembered to Lena. Do you write to or hear from Clinton?
Have not seen Miss Davy to speak with her recently.
You inquired about our Oswego agent. His name is Mr. Holiday or Halliday or something similar, and is rather fleshy, dark, red cheeks and round black eyes: also a dark mustache.
How did Lillian succeed at Y.P.S.E. and did you assist her?
Oh I should love to be at your house at commencement time! Wish I might be I know that word is not hyphenated correctly but I’m in a hurry as tea is nearly prepared and I have so little time and I’ve another chain of letters to write for a Penn. affair.
Emma Forward has gone to Rochester Business College: Carlotta is finishing her term of school at Brodock’s.
Am glad “Cook’s allright”. Hope she looked pretty in the photo which is going to the World’s Fair. Perhaps on my wedding trip I may see if y’know.
Remember me to David when you answer.
Is “Guardian Angel” good? And is the author Oliver Wendall Holmes or some other Holmes?
I received a heartland paper from the Prof. There was a short notice in it by which I think he and a fellow by the name of Davis are giving Stereoptician Entertainments.
You did not say if you liked Lecil’s smiling photo or not. Lu was not feeling very well Sunday and looked rather pale.
You have perhaps heard of Alton Miller’s endeavouring to end his life by shooting. The doctors think he will recover.
And now I will close and look for another letter from you Monday at the least.
Love to Lillian + Maude and Lena