Abington, Iowa
Jan. 25, 1914
Dear Girls:
Nw sedt you mann eben ordentlik hen un bayst dies brief. It will be too much of a job to finish in low german so I shall discontinue that immediately.
Received your card today and I expected one too. I felt a little like going to town last night to see if there was one but I didn’t go.
Albert and Mary were here Friday night and yesterday until about 3:30. Mama was over to grandma’s all day so Mary and I had the house to ourselves. We had to bake bread, make dinner and do the Saturday work but we weren’t finished yet when Mary left. Albert and Mary were to their place awhile and brought their lamps down there. We have a new lamp on our room and it just like one of Mary’s lamps.
Mama and the babies were not to church this morning and we had to hop to get ready. I started to get ready at nine o’clock and I was in church at half-past nine.
It snowed here and it’s several inches deep. It snowed all forenoon but it has quit now and the sun shone a few minutes a while ago.
We had quite a time Friday evening. I hurried from school (and on the way I helped one of Junker’s kids out of the mud. He was a sight alright. Henry started out to meet me when he came from school and took a girl home first and took another road than usually. He got to Hemmen’s and they told them I had been past there a half hour. So he followed and caught me up at our sand pit. So I rode a half mile yet. It was muddy + not so easy walking either but I got here. I helped milk yet too and got in time for church. I wasn’t a bit sleepy Friday.
The new couple did most of their shopping Friday P.M. and the bride’s parents + Pa helped them. They got a nice rocker from Henry + Arius.
Papa has just been over to grandma’s and she is getting better. She was up most all day yesterday.
Meaning’s little girls were here yesterday and Minnie didn’t go to catechism. They will move this week. And they did a great deal of hand shaking this noon. Everybody wanted to bid them farewell.
We are home alone this P.M. and I thought I must write to you. I just had a cup of tea now.
Enclosed find two pictures of a friend of mine, one picture each for Geelke and Maggie, as I promised them one. I think they will recognize her.
Our little rat terrier caught about fifteen rats yesterday. Papa, Albert and Hank worked pretty hard with him.
Lindaman Bros. were here yesterday and I had a pleasant little talk to them as papa was not home. I answered the telephone about half a dozen times yesterday and so its no wonder I couldn’t get my work done, is it?
I guess I’ll quit now. You know how well I like to write letters. Write soon.
Your sister and cousin,
Anna R. Meyer
Can’t get the pictures in the envelope