Dearest Mama received your most welcome letter was glad to get it I don't know waht is the matter that you haven't gotten my letters I have written several to you yes I am well I got a letter from Rex and one from Lula. Rex said he was well. I guess Hope is on the burn now it was to bad about the Method Church Burning down. I would like to see you all but can't now.
Have you all my picture I sent you. I hope you all get them they weren't very good but beat non at all. I also sent on a little flag youn't to be sure and get it. Got a letter from Roy Pily today said he likes it fine but was not like old Hope. I guess old Hope and the people there is hard to beat.Well how is my horse he shorely is well and fat I don't know what could be the matter with him. Well I must close. Mama you needn't worry about me for I am all right . Tell Papa and the girls to write.
Your loving son
A.N. Green