Camp Travis
Dear Mother
This is Sunday afternoon and as I have nothing to do I will try to write you a few lines to let you know I’m still alive.
It is getting pretty hot down here now though I think this is the warmest month. There are quite a lot of mosquitos here but they don’t bother only at night and we have mosquito nets issued to us so we’re not bothered any by them.
Ted and Gene seem to be doing pretty well with the tractor though I guess gas, oil and parts are pretty high now aren’t they. What is Ostine doing with his 45?
Is Ernest still at Capetown. How is he making it there?
I didn’t know that Charlie was in Mexico. Is he on a boat? He certainly keeps on the go, doesn’t he.
I took an annual membership to the Society of the Fifth Division about a year ago. I haven’t heard anything of it since then though. It costs a dollar a year.
How is Sarah and Beth getting along at San Jose? I haven’t heard from Beth in quite a while. I wish you would give me her address so I don’t hear from her soon I can write. Does Beth intend to go on to school next year? It would be fine if she could.
Well, as it’s almost time for the afternoon mail to go out so I will close now. Write soon.
As ever, Walter