Dearest Ranny:
Received your letter and card which were a couple of wonderful surprises.
I received on your letters Monday and meant to answer it in the same night but couldn’t get around to it. If you remember, I told you that I was going to sell Defense Stamps at the State Theatre. I did and also saw the movie “Hello, Frisco, Hello”. It was a wonderful show. Did you see it? They played “You’ll Never Know” about 3 times in the picture which made me like it more.
Sunday, I didn’t go to Idona believe it or not I stood home. I could hardly believe it myself. Neither did Mary go. We both sewed Sunday. We draped our slacks. You should see how sharp they look. Mine are draped just as yours used to be.
Are you used to your khaki suit yet?
I just sewed your insignia on my raincoat. It really looks sharp. It’s such a nice looking insignia and I’m awfully proud to wear it.
Hon, I wish you would call me some Sunday. I’m just dying to hear your voice again. But if you do, try to put your call in early because it takes awfully long to put a call through. Gene called me sister Sunday. He called at 12 o’clock noon but the call didn’t come through until 10 o’clock at night. If you can possibly call thisSunday, please do, hon. Gee, hon what are they doing to you? It seems as if you are always on K.P.? Are you behaving?
Hon, next Thursday Jan Switt is coming to Idona. Oh, how I wish you were here to see him. I don’t know yet if I am going.
I’m sorry to hear that there isn’t any entertainment there, hon. But don’t worry you’ll be able to go into town soon, and then you can go out and have a good time. Whatever you do, hon, please don’t start drinking because there are a lot of soldiers here that are always drinking and I don’t think much of them. Of course, you can drink, but don’t go to extreme.
I’m sure you didn’t forget how to dance, how could a sharp dancer like you forget? All you need is some good music and a girl and you’d be surprised to see how well you can dance.
Gee, hon I can hardly wait until I get your pictures. Send all you can. I would just love to see how you look with your G.I. haircut and your suntan and also those big muscles. Gee, I bet you look wonderful. Send one of your boyfriend, Moe, too. I would like to see the other Moe. Isn’t his style of dancing a little different from ours? Does he really look only 16?
Mary’s father came home today. He is feeling much better. He looks a great deal better too.
Take good care of yourself, hon. I’m worried about you as much as you are about me. But you needn’t worry about me. I’m feeling just fine, excepting at times I feel awfully blue without you. Hon, I sure do wish I was there to see you march in the Dress parade. Isn’t it a wonderful feeling to do that?
Hon, I owe you another letter, so I’ll close this one now and write you another. From now on, I’ll write more often. I have a surprise for you in the next letter. Hon, you forgot to tell me what WOOLAAKOEOW means?
Remember hon, I love you and God Bless You.
Forever Yours, Moe