Dear Darling:
I promised you another letter so here it is. I don’t know if you’ll be able to read it though, because I am getting awfully sloppy and can hardly keep my eyes open.
Hon, here is our one line that you had written on the card that you sent me that you shouldn’t of. It was “Don’t get fat now, the wrong way.” Don’t make people get ideas. It’s all right to write things like that in a letter but not on a card. And another thing call me Short Stuff. Hon, I don’t like that.
Darling, I don’t mean to hurt your feelings now, but hon, is that all the respect you have for me? Please understand.
I promised you a surprise so here it is.
Homer is coming home on a furlough starting either Friday or Saturday. It’s to be a 13 day furlough, so he’ll be home for about 6 or 7 days. You just don’t know how happy Bea is. Now, they won’t have to go to Texas. I can hardly wait to see him. I wonder if he changed alot. He probably got more handsome than ever. But he still can’t beat you, hon. You are the real McCoy. I can’t send you his address because I don’t know it myself. Since he has been moved to Texas I haven’t written to him. But Bea said that Homer wanted your address too. So, he is going to write to you first and then you can write to him.
Harry has another job now. He starts to work at 5 P.M. and quits at 1 A.M. What hours. E hardly gets to see him now. I’m glad to hear that you received your camera and radio. They will give you something to do.
So, you miss hitting me, well I miss hitting you back too. I most certainly would hate to get one your wallops now after the training.
Darling you needn’t worry about me being a good girl when I date. I promised you before that I would be, and that still goes. I know its hard for you to promise me that you will be good too, but do be careful.
Is there any particular person that you would be a little jealous of if I dated? Hon, I’m not stringing you along, I told you that so many times. Please believe me. No, hon, I haven’t gone to the Ritz nor the Rip Tide ever since you have gone. Although, I would like to see Rubes again and his wife. I might bump into one of them in town one of these days. I hope so. Did you write to Rube?
You tell Colla that the Leather Works isn’t a bad place to work and if is were, I’m sure Jennie would be able to care of herself. Jennie said that they are getting married as soon as Colla gets a furlough.
I wonder if if Bea and Homer will become engaged. I guess I’m getting a little nosey now.
Hon, do you recognize the girl in the snapshot? I know you don’t like my hair down, but it does make me look younger. I could hardly take that pictures, I ate too much that day before it was taken.
Rendoodle honey, whenever you get lonesome for me, just take Moe your boyfriend, in your arms and make believe it’s me. He’ll probably think you are crazy.
Hon, I wish I could cuddle up close to you and be in your arms again. I miss you more and more each day. Especially on the nice summer nights, hon. We’ll just have to be patient and wait until it’s all over to be together again, which won’t be long.
Darling, write soon. Now, I will close and say a prayer for you. God Bless You.
All My Love,