Dear Dan,
We've certainly owed you a letter for some time and I'm sorry none of us has written you.
I was surely sorry Herman had to leave school. I bet you feel pretty lonesome.
Well, the draft lottery here has taken place. We do not know your serial number + so do not know where you come. Mother tried to call the reg.board this A.M. to find out what it was but they did not answer their phone.
We are awfully anxious to learn where you came in the list. I suppose you have your serial number haven't you?
When you receive your questionnaire fill it out as soon as possible and return it by registered letter for I have read that it is necessary to have them returned in a week. I saw where a man was arrested for negligence in returning his.
Have you been able to any trace of your first card?
You laundry came yesterday.
Yes, I am certainly glad + stayed over for invitation. I think now it was the only thing to do.
I had a letter from Mary Reeves about a week ago. She has a position in a Louisville office at $12.00 a week. I think that is fine. She said to tell you hello when I wrote. Gertrude Lubbermann was in town day before yesterday + called up.
Do you ever see Onete Dillingworth? Did you know they expected to move. I suppose they have by this time. They had not yet decided on a house when I left. Boyd is taking Latin + English at Summer School. Dorothy Baker is engaged to Mr. Pfisterer. We threshed wheat on the farm Wed. + got 142 lb. Papa + the boys with Bob drove to Spencer Co. Last Sunday to see the wheat etc. there. Mother goes out in the machine for city drives + hopes to go the farm soon. She is much stronger and downstairs most of the time + dries dishes. We hope to hear from you soon. - Louise
P.S.Your thrift stamp speech we thought was fine
Have you learned your grades yet? I haven't received mine.