Hello darling,
Got your letter of Sunday yesterday.
So I’ll be on lookout for you on a red and white bike, what do you know.
I got a letter from Ralph also. It was good. He mentioned how the folks back home (ah, I fixed my pen point again, it was bent and I couldn’t write I like a broad point.) soon forget a fellow who leaves. He said your letter was the only one he received from any of the office gand the so and sos.
You talk about my one letter or so I write very unromantic like, says you, but up to now I haven’t sa thing about your heading like “Hi J.C.” don’t you love me the way you used to? (Sob, sob.)
Hon, after this Alaskan bombing things look very, very dark for ever getting a furlough. Blame it all on three little yellow “japs”.
Yesterday I took a 30 cal. Flexible rear cock-pit machine gun, completely apart and assembled it This is a test in ordinance. It was fun. Next week we fire on machine gun range. Imagine in one second, twenty bullets are fired. Imagine!! In other words we shoot pattern form. Arnold would love this stage. We fire on ground mount like cock-pit rings, but we fire at air targets while flying. So far in this war our records show to back pilot he has used 3 rear radio gunner. In other words the gunners are the poor guys that don’t get back, als the actual life in combat for a radio gunner is three minutes. I hope that everything will go O.K. in cadet training exams so I can be a pilot and have more of a fighting chance. Fighter pilots is what I want if I can get it.
You make me feel very funny like when you won’t announce our engagement unless I get to be a Lt. Hon, remember before I even get to be a cadet even, I’ll have to take more exams and my code marks have to be up. Darling I’m almost crying trying like everything to get my code up to the par. All my other marks are above 93% but gee I’m almost sick from anxiety and worrying about not having enough credits to pass inquiry board. All I keep thinking is that you’ll be disappointed of me. Second [unreadable] arent’ as lazy as you think. First its a jump above all these PFC, Corp., Sgt., Mast Sgt, Master Tech Sgt., staff, gunner, and believe me that’s a jump. They don’t give commissions unless you have got just what they want. I might love flying and so forth yet I might not have what the board wants. Hon I know. Please don’t plan too much on my getting it. Although I don’t blame you not wanting to announce an engagement to just a buck private leatherneck. If you don’t know it I feel pretty low being just a buck and having such a darling for a sweetheart you see why I worry so much in wanting to be a cadet, in darling I know its the main thing in both our lives. Darling if I don’t make it, my heart would almost break from complete disappointment.
So Charlie Mac go married. More power to the “brave couple” – if they only knew!!
By the time you’ve seen that I didn’t have a date. I left Joe that Sunday night and did just what I wrote. Saturday night when I phoned, Joe and I went out together to the U.S.O. so hon, don’t get the message wrong.
Today is test day again. Tomorrow just another day. Saturday – Pay DAY!!!
Keep N.J. free from bombs. Don’t let Sparkey get under the bike wheels. Have you practiced verticales yet?
All my love to you dearest,
Your Same Old