My own Very own Girlie:
Do you think I have forgotten you, No Darling, I know you know I couldn’t.
First why I didn’t write last Sunday, I was in bed almost all day. I hot up in the morning, but I had to go back to bed after dinner.
I have been sick about two weeks with indigestion. I feel alright now. Yesterday I had this hic cough from 12:30 until 8:30. I had them so bad after supper that I went an saw Dr. Domas, that fixed them. We had the Bank examiner last week. That is over and my books +statements are all out and I don’t think we will be so busy now. So I will have more time to write my own Dear Girlie.
Oh my Girlie how i have wanted you the last week, I was to sick to do any thing.
Like the roses need their fragrance, like a Sweetheart needs a kiss, the summer needs the sunshine, like a ladder needs a miss, like a broken heart needs gladness, like the flowers need the dew, like a baby needs its mother, thats how I need you.
Oh sweetheart if you were only here, how I long to hold you in my arms and kiss you Dear. You will be here in 2 days won’t you dear? You must come then for I can’t stand it any longer with out you.
I just can’t wait for I feel as tho we were going to be very happy this summer, and then I will go back to the city with you.
No Dearie Florence is not going to leave. I see that you take it, that she isn’t asst’ any more, but she is, we both are, it will give me a little more to do, but it does not change my work very much. I have got to do all the back work just the same.
I can now sign Drafts and Chs. My name will go all over the W.S.
I am glad tho that I got this position, for it will help me to get an other job.
So far my own I can see nothing to change my plans for the future. So we will have lots of hard work and some good times next winter.
Oh Darling if you were only here to get some of the kisses this dear ring of yours gets.
Oh Darling I want you so bad I can’t wait another day, but sweetheart you will come just as soon as you can won’t you?
Dear Girlie, I must stop now and get some sleep for I have some work I must get done up early in the morning.
Oh Darling girl I could only tell you how my heart aches and longs to have you here.
My whole heart and being are yours dear heart.
Goodnight my sweetheart. With my heart full of longing I am your very own, Boykins Geo.