Our own Dearest Daddy
Hi dad! – Here we are once again. Glad you finally got to Ruthies – now you can rest your conscience a while. Wrote her last night by the way.
So Chris finally moved huh – remember he told us a couple of years ago that he had bought the property? – but the jewlers lease has another couple of years. Its a shame Dottie doesn’t modernize herself a bit – she’d draw a lot more trade if she would. When I started to read you had been to Chris’s I thought you were going to say you’d bought me a nice diamond or something – silly aren’t I? (Wow!)
We have a mass of Blue flags in my mothers yard and I told Ailene we have the same thing only in white in ouryard at home and she wanted us to leave immediately to go see them.
I had them on the beach again – but it was a little too breezy for swim suits – but they just loved to play & screamed bloody murder when it was time to leave. About the pix dear – any one of us outside our front door will do – say about 4 pictures – I’m still waiting to finish the roll to have it developed for new ones of us – better yet – hold up on the pix – till you see how these are – maybe I can save you the bother.
So you bought a new suit huh? How come you don’t have money for more – if you don’t have it now ducks you sure as heck won’t have it after July – wear it well dear though!
A couple of houses in the block have already decorated their houses for the Coronation & Ailene is all anxious for us to do this one. Mom has made a batch of flags and smuggled them out of the Dockyard & Jackie bought a load of stuff. The poor house standas a good chance of being completely buried!!
You know since I’m here my hands haven’t bothered me in fact they are looking beautiful – I wash by hand every day and do dishes etc. Amazing, eh?
This ruddy weather is so damned changeable – now I see its starting to rain & its been a gorgeous day too! Hope you’re note feeling the heat too badly dear – I hate to think of you sweating while we are nice and cool – ha ha!
Well dear I’m going to cut this short – its 8pm and that’s the time of the last mail – so take good care of yourself for us and write real soon dear.
All our love, hugs and kisses —-
Ailene, Cheryl & Sandy
We love you loads and loads daddy –
Love, Ailene & Cheryl