Sully N.Y.
My Own Dear Girl; -
As I am so joyful to-night I thought I better write and tell you about it.
Its about the robbery, there was no robbery at all. Mrs Porter found the purse this morning right where she put it, in one of the parlors on the back of a chair covered up with pillows. She told Mr Porter and made him promise not to tell. But he told me to-night.
When he first told me it was gone I said to him “I hope you will find it”. They did not think of me taking it. But some of the towns people would think that I stole it.
The way he come to tell me was, when I came down stairs this evening I steped on something under the rug so I lifted up the rug and there was the purse. So I went out in the kitchen where they both were and asked if they had two purses of about the same kind and she said no. And she wanted to know why I told her I steped on one when I came down the stairs. Mr Porter said often she had gone upstairs that it was the lost purse and that he came near laughing when I was talking to her about it. She denied its being the same one that was lost. They are going to keep it a secret around here because people would bother them and laugh at her for being forgetful where she put it. You do not know how pleased I am to hear it has been found. I hope you have not tired of reading all about it. I enjoy writing about it anyway.
Come out now Dearie you need not be afraid of robbers.
They have gone uptown to-night to some supper so I am all alone.
Will close now with
Love and Kisses
Friday afternoon.
I have just had a little sleep so I feel very much rested. I must get this out to-night so you may receive it in the morning.
Excuse all mistake.