Miss Harriet J. McAllister,
Slayton, Minn.
My dear Miss McAllister,
You may rest assured that we were glad indeed with your letter. You are not an entire stranger to us, altho we have never seen each other face to face, btu at home with mother and sister Arma we have heard such pleasant things about you, that we feel drawn toward you, and there is nothing that would please us more than to meet you and get better acquainted. But I am very sorry that we will have to disappoint you in this at present. We will only have a few days in Baldwin, two, at the most three, and then for Springfield, I.D.
But if the Lord spares our lifes, we will come over and see all of you folks next summer. Yes, we will even some and see you and George in St. Paul. I know, this is for the present a poor consolation for you, I can just imagine how you hoped and hoped that we could arrange to come. But I have given promises to the people in Springfield to be with them on the 29th and would like to arrive there a day or two before hand.
And it wouldn’t hardly pay to come to Slayton just for one day, that would be all we could possibly spend there. Not, that we would not like to be present at your wedding indeed very much would I and Mrs. Tietma help you celebrate that memorable occasion; altho under the circumstances of our moving it seems almost impossible.
But at any rate: we wish you and George a joyous journey through life. May it be long and happy. It is our wish that God may unite your hearts and lives in all the grace and true affections of a happy marriage. May your mutual love never know doubt nor change.
We will be very glad if you will write us a letter after you have settled down. And you may be sure that we will return the compliment.
We are very sorry that our time is so limited, but it can’t be helped for the present. You will have to excuse us, and let us pay our visit (god willing) next summer, with interest.
With love and best wishes, to all the folks I remain sincerely yours.
John H. Tietema