Glad you are having photos. Funny I did send a glossy print.
Monday Morn.
Dearest Jack,
The wind is blowing a gale here. We have had such cold windy weather for early fall. I hope this spell does not reach Florida. Aunt Edna just called up that we are expected down home Thanksgiving. They are having the dinner earlier in the day for the sake of Elsie and her seven children and no husband. (He has made his dis-appearance and they are all with her father, Charlie). It is rumored that Norman has been restored to Edna part time; Bob part time. I don’t know how come.
Thursday we had an all day Board of Directors meeting at the Club. That happens once a month and is a most enjoyable day. Those women are lovely to me. On the way home I met Walter Hopkins again. I think I told you I saw him a week ago and that he + Ruth have an apartment in Sans Sa Cruse Ave. This time he told me Anna Mary there [unreadable] had been in Miami etc. and that A.M. is remaining in Miami. Mrs. H is on her way home via Nashville and will bring her mother home with her for a visit.
This Sat. eve Helen is having a Bridge party here – some campus rather [unreadable] -- including Me. Uncle Harry + Aunt Sue get possession of their new home about Dec. first. Didn’t those tires reach you in a hurry. Glad you enjoy the chin work. You must have had a dandy visit with the lawyer that sounds like a lovely plan for Xmas. Hope you two boys meet two nice pretty girls about whom you know something – and have a good time. The New England type suits me. It all sounds like an ideal plan for the holidays.
Are you going to game at Tampa? Hope you will not have to wear glasses all the time – just for close work. Dr. S may tell you to use his and two for the surface. Papa thought he was all right. I did not see the resent of [unreadable] - Florida game Saturday. Asked Edna to save me its paper so will look for it. Silver Springs must be beautiful. You know we were not far from there on our way to [unreadable].
Herman is going along O.K. He is not pleased with some of his math but I am now times passed. I realize that H.S. subjects + methods are different. He had 10 questions in Science Fri., knew them all but got only 7 done. Of course he had no chance to finish tho and said he could have made 10. If he does the work I am content but he is not pleased. He is only 12.