Darling –
We just arrived in Elizabethtown and I thought I’d write immediately as you would get it before you came home. Monday I didn’t do anything all day – I didn’t even go out until 6 o’clock when Daddy came fro me so I ate supper over home. Later in the evening Ralphie took me up to see how “our house” is coming along. They did a good bit Monday. Mother was surprised it was up so far since she saw it last. Then they brought me home __ “and so to bed”.
But Tuesday! (yesterday) I did plenty. Ray Bennett wanted me to type something for him and so sent Jim over with it. When I opened to roll (after Jim left) there was nothing but the note asking me to type copies of it and a lot of blank paper. So I went over to Bennett’s to see what it was all about. And I still don’t know what to type – Jim must have lost it. It was a Gospel song or something that Bro. Denver had. Well, from there I went home again and got ready to go over town to pay bills. I walked over and when I got down in front of that jewelry store (Reisinger’s) I met that tall red haired boy who used to take me in to work sometimes (Buppie) and he walked the rest of the way with me and told me all about his operation – yes, he did – last summer he had his tonsils out. Then he told me about the trouble he was having with a pastel he’s doing. The dumb bunny didn’t blow the excess crayon off the background before he sprayed it and now it’s all spotted and bumpy. Well, by the time we got to the Electric Co., we had the world on its feet again. Then when I went to pay the insurance I met a Mrs. Ernest I’ve known a long time (her son was the one who got me the picnic plates and stuff one time when I worked at Wist’s and he got each thing a different color) so she talked and ask about how everything is going with us and I told her fine – that we are building a house. Of course she wondered where. And when I told her she said “you’ll love it up there. My brother-in-law lives there and has for over two years and they think its grand.” She said she’s going to come to see our house, because she’s always interested in houses, especially when she knows the people building them. I saw Margaret Barber (I didn’t have to call) and told her I couldn’t come tomorrow and why. She seemed disappointed. After that I saw Mrs. Geo. Wolf. She can't understand why we don’t come out. Well, she talked and talked and talked.
Next was Miriam Brar. We had a swell time and she wondered why we promised to come and don’t. They have three dogs now. I’ll tell you more about that when you come home. I was up to the shop, too. Minnay was looking for a suitable place to live but now she’s going to wait until after Christmas because them and the kids are coming to spend the holidays with her. I felt sorry for her. Then I took my book to the Library and from there I went to Geesey’s. I didn’t feel like going home so I went to see “There Goes mMy Heart”. Fredric March and Virginia Bruce and Patsy Keller. It was very light but fairly good entertainment. Then I waited for the Jitter Bug contest. (They didn’t get me) And from there I walked home. I was ever tired! And did I sleep. But I got up at seven-thirty and was waiting when they came for me this morning your tires came and they smelled so awful they made me sick so I put them in the pantry. I hope no body swipes them.
I’m coming home Friday night sometime. Dotty is coming for me. ‘Course I want to be with you as much as I can. (I love you)
I’m sending this clopping along which will tell the story better than I could. I still don’t know if it’s your uncle or if they have a boy by that name. It said “his grandfathers car” so I thought it must be your cousin. All my love, darling, your Nonie
Seems I just can’t get stopped. Daddy and Mother are both better. Uncle Blair is in bed again in pretty bad shape. I can’t wait to see how much is done to the “House that Kaye built” (for Nonie) I’ll bet you’re anxious too, huh? Darling, I’m so glad you are building a house for me. I think it’s swell and you are sweet. N.
