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November 21, 1938.

Writer: Flea Market Love LettersFlea Market Love Letters

Dear Nelda,

Oh no, I haven’t forgotten you. Nothing like that is going to happen! It’s just that I’ve been working so terribly hard and haven’t really felt like writing letters. Our Christmas rush started about three weeks ago, and since that time we have all been “pushed” just as much as possible in order to get the work out. We have already worked two and three hours overtime several days, and it will be like that until after Christmas is over. I have already bought my Christmas cards and am making out my card list little by little. For one, I am hoping to get that off my hands before Dec. 23rd.

Nelda, I’m so anxious about your new home. Have the plans for it developed any more? I know you are thrilled beyond words about it, and I am happy for you. I can’t wait to see hear more about it, and when it’s completed I hope to be one of the first to see it. Well, maybe not the first, but soon afterwards anyway. Please write me all about it. Now I’ll let you in on a secret, only I’m so excited about it that isn’t much a secret. No, I’m not engaged, just in case that’s what you were thinking. I’m about to buy an automobile. Can you imagine that? It really is quite hard to believe, especially with the job I have, but Dad has made me another offer, and I think “I’ll take him up on it, while taking is good.” When Neldon lost his job with the Gulf, Dad took his Oldsmobile, and he says its much too big + heavy for him, so he has offered it to me for a downpayment on an automobile for my Christmas gift. Dad has talked to the dealer in Greensboro + I have talked to the one here Dad is bringing the Olds down next Sat. to get a trade – in value on it here, + then I’ll trade wherever I can get the best proposition. Of course I’ll get a Plymouth, but I don’t know whether it will be a Coup or a Sedan. I’d much rather have the Coupe because there are times when a Sedan is needed, so I just can’t decide.Oh well, so much for that. I’ll let you know whether or not I get one.

Neldon is working in steel work in Greenvile, S.C. at the present time. He is still waiting for the Greyhound Bus Line to call him. They wrote to him last week to keep in touch with them, because they need him soon.

Hugh is planning to spend next weekend with me I think but since Dad is coming to bring the car, it looks as though they might both be with me. I hope they will then on Dec. 6, Hugh + his pal from home are leaving for a two week vacation in Miami, Fla. I know they will have a grand time.

I went home last week end + took Naoma (the girl in whose home I live) with me. We had a very nice time in Greensboro Sat. night + till Sun. noon then we spent the rest of the day in Burlington with friends. After going home last week end I decided to stay in Raleigh over Thanksgiving, since I only have the one day off. Dad + our preacher may come down + have dinner with me though.

I am so sleepy, so I hope you won’t mind if I just stop for this time + get a little rest so I can work hard again tomorrow. Write me soon + give my love to all.




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