Sat. morning
Dearest Jack,
I have read and reread your letter it is such good and complete news about your health and comfort – my constant thought. It reassured me that your conscience would not lead you into to much work or [unreadable]. After your absence about the glasses I thought you might risk classes when it is too cold so as not to miss too much – but don’t relax your vigilance for a minute – you just mustn’t take cold – that’s all; and I’m so glad you are thinking the fun etc. of importance too. I am just happy about you including your nice arrangements about heat.
Herman has had Wed. Thurs. + Fri. off this week. We all went down home for a fine Thanksgiving dinner. Elsie + her seven children all younger than Herman were out in full force. Yesterday he went out to Springfield Water Works – he must write up a paper for Science class on filtration chlorination etc. so got his information first hand – incidentally stopping to get stamps for Mrs. Ebry and the greeks – and subscriptions for Mrs. Schwinbat [?] in answer to a letter Miss Laylon sent check for $17.50 for Xmas subs. You want Miss A’s for Xmas do you not? Hope she + young Bob will enjoy the cake. You might follow some of your classic recitals with some of it.
Jack I really think it would be much safer to send a photo before the Xmas rush of mail not that we want to see them – would you think?
Do you know what your address will be during your holidays? I see by catalog vacation begins Dec. 18 and suppose you will drive to your friends. Keep thinking about your real estate. Do you not think if you could get $25.00 for Lakeland lot that it might be well to take it and spread it in St. Pete or clear your lot in St. Pete. I think the advance from $25.00 up in Lakeland would be less rapid than on a St. Pete property. Did you buy something for Aunt Helen? I hope so. As to Mrs. Henry – I wish she would sign over her rights to you and then you have a lawyer do what he could, to be paid a % of if he gets any thing. That is how they collect here in many cases.
Am so glad you have your glasses and hope they will be a comfort to you. I must repeat how happy your letter made me. Aunt Sue + Uncle Harry are getting peached up to now. I will [unreadable] in shape that I would love to come with you next year. We shall see. Herman is clearing cellar –he is some grown up this year. Much love from all and keep well and fed and happy.
Your Ma.