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October 10, 1919.

Writer: Flea Market Love LettersFlea Market Love Letters

Angel Island

Oct. 10. ‘19

Dear Mother --

Am still at McDowell been waiting to be sent out. I expect to be here for about a week yet. I don’t know just what Camp I’ll be sent to though I think it will be some camp here in Calif.

Well how is everything in Pismo? Is Ted going to Poly now?

I got my last innoc. yesterday. Am certainly glad its over with. We get excused from duty for fort eight hours after each “shot”. That’s one consolation anyway. I haven’t had to do any K.P. here yet though I’ve done quite a lot of fatigue i.e. building roads and digging ditches. I won’t have t o do that though after I get a regular outfit.

After I get with an outfit I can put in for one of the schools.

How is Sarah getting along now. Is Crust still fishing? How is Papa getting on with the oil business? Well about all I can think of is questions to ask so I guess I’d better close.

As ever,


3rd Co.

East Garrison

Angel Island, Calif.

P.S. Will you please send my razor to me. It may be some time before I get another one issued so I’d better have it.


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