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October 12, 1914.

Writer: Flea Market Love LettersFlea Market Love Letters

My Dear One:

How I ache to be near you tonight. Your note made me very very happy. But I feel regretful. For I read between the lines and realized that in my impatience I have made you feel like you ought to take up the new burden of a home and that it may be too heavy a one just now. (My motive Dear was my excuse. That perhaps instead of being a hindrance I might be a help to you. And then of course I am so selfish and I want you so, Boy. But Man Dear, think it over carefully and prayerfully as I have this evening in my room and if, My Boy, you really feel that it will be too much before Christmas or even if the spring please tell me all about it.

Because, Dear, we have waited so long and looked forward so impatiently for our wedding day that it would always make me feel badly to know that either of us was not entirely happy as it approached.

And Dear, I realized tonight that although I know you will be very happy and will in your great love for me give me all that you possibly can, that still there will be the strain and you will bear the greater burden of being the one to provide for us.

Dearest, I can’t think of you awake night after night, because I am selfish, planning and planning how it can ever be done, and trying to find some new way to work a little harder. Dearest, I don’t want you to feel that your marriage must mean that, Oh Darling, I would rather wait until in your own heart you can calmly decide that you are able to take up the extra care of a home and then lost sleep only because you are thinking happily of the days to come.

Dearest I stopped right there because I couldn’t tell just how I ought to go on.

I have been lying down an hour remembering how happy we have been and how happy we shall be, and now as I have been up in my room since Church time this morning and it is ten o’clock anyway I must go down and say goodnight. And I shall finish my say tomorrow when I have rested and my mind and heart a little calmer.

The rain is dripping from the eaves left side my window and it makes me rather sad and lonely. I wish I could make you understand tonight how much I love you. But that you will know in the future.

Goodnight my Precious, May God bless and keep you Dear One, and show you your opportunity when it comes.

I have all faith in your success, and a heart full of love for you this night. Goodnight Darling.

Your Own Girlie

Monday A.M.

Dearest, I lay awake nearly all night thinking, and I am still of the same mind. I made up my mind I could wait until the first of January and by that time you will be a little more able to take me than you are now. And my clothes can surely wait that long.

And Boy don’t you know that if the situation demanded, I would marry you in your overalls. But of course Dearest, we can be married in our traveling suits and it will save time. There is we are married five weeks from Thursday, let’s get married at 7:30 and go on the passenger.

Now, I will leave this new decision in your care. Think about it all of one day before you write Dear One. And if a couple of months will help a lot in saving you all that worry why Honey, I would rather wait.

I am going to start on my bedroom furniture this week.

Say Honey would you just as soon go out to Ella’s and wrap up my heavy coat and send it. I seem to feel the cold so much lately.

Loved Dear, take care of yourself and please let me know definitely by Thursday. And please write to your Mother. I haven’t said a word about your shape of position and she is so anxious to hear from you. Love Dearest. I am feeling just fine. Don’t worry this time please for I will let you know.




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