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October 20, 1912.

Writer: Flea Market Love LettersFlea Market Love Letters

My Dear Girlie

Heart of my heart I’m pining for you. I wondered if you are pining as much for me.

Well Dear I have been a real good Boy today the first time I have been real good since you left me. This morning I sang in Presbyterian quire and to night the quires sang in the M.E. Church and Mr. Finch preached.

Saturday night I worked until 11, and to day after Church I changed my clothes and cleaned up my room and the Bank so I am rather tired to night as I had to get up early this morning.

I want someone to love me some one fond and true! And it must be you.

Oh Darling how I wish I had you, how I would love to hold you in my arms and kiss you. I would kiss you until you make stop, and told the Old softy to go away.

Oh how I long for you. I wonder where you are now and what are you are doing and if you have or are writing to your lonesome boykins. Dear one he needs your letters more than you know.

I was going to take sis home to night but Mr. Jerry got the best of me so I got left.

But then I was most always get left so I am quite used to it.

Well darling I must stop now.

Sweetheart write as often as you can to your lonesome boykins. He loves you and longs to hear from you so.

Goodnight my Dear Dear Sweetheart Girlie.

Your lonesome, Geo


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