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October 24, 1918.

Writer: Flea Market Love LettersFlea Market Love Letters

Dear Mother,

Received a letter from you yesterday was the first letter I’d gotten in quite a long time. By the time this letter reaches you it will be well toward winter here. We haven’t had much cold weather yet but lots of rain. It rains just about six days out of every week. You’ve heard a lot about the Flanders mud. Well I’m not in Flanders but it can’t have anything on this place for mud. Am on quite a lively front now quite a little different from the sectors we first took over. I wish you could see some of the towns here or rather towns that were. There’s nothing but memories now. As far as one can see, nothing but shell town entirely without even a living tree.

It’s a scene one will never forget.

Am not in the Ammunitions now, have been transferred to the 5th Mobile Ordnance Repair Shop. We do the repair work on the light artillery 75 + 155a, and on the small arms. I am driving a truck. I like this much better than the Amm. I can't seem to find much pleasure in sleeping in a little dugout half filled with water, with rats, and “cooties” to keep my company while Fritz’s “whizz bangs” are falling thick and fast.

Am sending you a Christmas package cryson so you can send me a package if you like. I don’t really need anything but would like a little candy or cake. Als if you still have the sweater that you made for me you can send that. I have one that I got from the Red Cross but would like to have the one that you made. Am not sure that this will reach out time but I surely hope it will.

You said in your last letter that Alice and Sarah and Bess had written to me. I have heard from Sarah and Bess but not from Alice. Is Charlie G. still in Pismo? I haven’t heard from in a long time. Will write to him as soon as I finish this letter. Has Charlie got back yet? Will he be called in the draft?

Well, I’ll get my first service stripe next month. I hope that I won’t get another. France is alright but the U.S. is so much better. I will be able to appreciate the climate of Old California and yet I haven’t seen a winter here.

I have been with this ordnance about two months. When I saw some of the boys in the old company the other day they all told me I was getting fat. I haven't weighed myself but I think I weigh more now than when I came in the army. I haven’t been sick or even had a cold since

I’ve been in France.

Well there isn’t much to write about so will close now. Write soon and often and tell all the boys to write.

With love,


Walter Bushnell

5th mobile Ordinance Repair Shop

A.P.O. 745

American E.F.


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