Undated. Likely mid-1913. Likely were sent in an envelope as was George's disposition -- evident by lack of recipient information -- envelope now lost.

"Dear Darling Girlie
How is my sweetheart. Oh Darling how I long to have you here to go after my hard days work. I started to write this half an hour a go but had to stop to trai on trade. I am sending you under sperate cover a small package, this is not your Birthday Gift but I just got it and thought I would send it (on other card)"

"I have decided on what I will get you, but I haven't had time to get it. When I do I will keep it here until you come, for if it I sent it to you it might get broken. Now honey don't guess to hard. Oh sweetheart how I long for these next two months to just fly. I wish I was in Italy the time go so much aster there for everytime you turn around you see a day go. These cards my Dear are my heart felt greetings to you. Your Boykins Geo"