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September 20, 1938.

Writer's picture: Flea Market Love LettersFlea Market Love Letters

Jack - old timer: -

Hope the inclement weather did not spoil your visit to the "Peeks". I trust your stay there was as enjoyable as mine was a Bridgeton.

I arrived home about an hour after I left you and Eleanor only to realize that I had not obtained the handwriting specimens of you and Eleanor for graphological analysis. Would like to have your specimens - and you can - if not personal - send along a letter or envelope written by Eleanor which will positively be returned. She wants she can send you a line herself but I thought if you used some of her own writing, now in your possession, it would come as a rather pleasant surprise.

Jack - old boy -- I am home now and once more in swing with normal routine. I feel sick at heart but the feeling will wear away gradually. It is all because of the pleasant and hugely satisfying "adventures" of mine while in Bridgeton. I am full aware of the time, effort and expense which you and your family expended in my behalf and I appreciate all of it more than it is possible for me to ever put on paper. I only hope I can - some day - in some way - show my gratitude in a more tangible manner. The hundreds of miles of scenic trip of historic and rustic interest - the canoe rides - the hikes with Jenny - your friends and especially the generosity of Johnson Pepper - and foremost of all the warmness and royal hospitality of your family all contributed to make my stay at Bridgeton the best vacation ever.

The real "high light" was seeing you sworn in at Trenton. It spelled the termination of years of study and diligent preparation - and was the ultimate fulfilment of your family's hopes and desire. The significance of the occasion had a power and an inspiration all of its own - and made me realize that it "can be done". It is difficult for me to explain it to you but being there in the balcony and seeing the exercises seemed to inspire one and give a new lease on life.

I shall save the "koal" coupons until you advise my which premiums you want - but of course check with me before and as I shall add them to whatever comes through in the interim.

My thanks to you again Jack for helping out so unselfishly on that issue. I sent the amount back to you this A.M. You will find three extra dollars there (which along with the enclosed $2.00) will make $5.00. This I would like to have you pass on to Eddie for five shares in his "Building and Loan" association. I would like to have this become effective Oct. 1st next - and when you get a chance (or isn't it Ed's job?) please let me know what is the most convenient date of the month that he would like me to send him the money. This of course I shall do in advance and it would no doubt be wise for him to hold on to my pass book as to avoid unnecessary mailing and correspondence. I hope such a plan will not conflict with Ed's regular routine and appreciate the privilege of such an investment.

Please pass on my regards and thanks to Johnson Pepper. It was good of him to volunteer the use of his chariot.

Shall later write Louise and Ada which I trust will be satisfactory and in order.

Saturday night and Sunday I entertained my Mother and Aunt in New York. They realize that I had a really glorious time in Bridgeton and appreciate all of your efforts. Please tell your Dad that I am checking out the cinema de Paris and just as soon as "Life Passes On" appears there I shall take my Mother to see it. I know it will be a real treat to her as even this neophyte thoroughly enjoyed the feature at Philadelphia's Europa thanks again to your folks.

As you know - was deeply impressed with the splendor of the Peek residence. Believe "Oscar" overstepped his bounds - really stupid and uncalled for - but such is the lost of impulsive mankind.

When I look back it seems a miracle was performed - and it seems hard to believe that sdo much activity was squeezed into a two week period. It was a vacation never-to-be forgotten and the warm - gracious hospitality of your fine family made it complete in every respect.

Thanks again - old top - it is needless for me to tell you how I feel. The writer is deeply appreciative of it all.

Sincerely - your friend

Eli Nasser

September 19, 1938.

Note: I hope you have passed on my best wishes to Alive. I certainly enjoyed that bickyle tour and wish to wholeheardedly thank her for her kindness in acting as guide and companion.

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