My Very Own Dear Girlie,
Just a note darling to let you know I am still alive and longing and loving you.
Sunday dear I was so sick that I could not write, and last night I was so tired I had to get right to bed, Oh Sweetheart how I long to have you here.
As I work I think would Harriet be on out here watching me if she was only here.
Oh Darling it makes me so lonesome and heart sick to be right in your own home and not have you here. Dear breakfast is about ready so I must stop.
Ear I will try and write you to night and tell you just what I have been doing.
Dearest are you taking the care of yourself this cold weather that you man’s would take of you if he had you or the way he wants you to.
Oh my own take care and be very careful of yourself, for you know how much you are to me, your ever loving.
Mami Geo.
I feel fine now Dearest