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September 23, 1943.

Writer: Flea Market Love LettersFlea Market Love Letters

Dear Ranny-

How are you and how is it to be back in civilian life again. I hope that you and the family are in the best of health. Ranny you sure are lucky to be home for good. I wish the hell that I could get out but it looks like I’m stuck. I’m writing to you from the woods of Texas and this is for the birds. You know how it iskid, eat, sleep and shit like a wild man. We spend most of our time out here and go back to the barracks on week ends. I’ve been working on the radio and I heard Benny Goodman on the radio coming from New York. What have you been doing since you came home? Getting any hay for your donkey? I am so you should be getting all you want. How is to be in civilian clothes again? I’ll be iet feels good. Did you get into Jennie yet or is she all closed up? Ranny have you seen Vicky yet. How is she. Is it true that she’s going out with other fellows or going steady? Try to fix things up Ranny

Because I still love her. I got a letter from Jennie today and she sent me a couple of snapshots. She looked sharp. Well kid I’ll have to close so until I hear from you again I’ll say Goodbye.

Your Old Soldier Pal Forever


P.S. Keep my moral up by writing more often to me. I hope you get that car.

‘A Toast to Hitler’

Here’s to hitler on his last hitch

We’re after him now, the son-of-a-bitch

His cock will hang out like

A ration banana

While he hears us whistle

The ‘Star Spangle Banner’

We will eat his bread and

Drink hisgin

While we screw the hell out of him

We will crack his balls

And split his bags

And wipe our ass on

The German flag

We will walk in his places and shit on the floor

And hang “Old Glory”

Right over the door

We will clear up the city

And strut down the street

And piss on all the

Germans we happen to meet.

We will darken his home

And shorten his joy

And show him the spirit

Of the American Boy

From the land of the

Free +home of the


We will march down the street and shit

On his grave.

Some girl sent me this. Sharp as cat’s ass.




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