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September 28, 1913.

Writer: Flea Market Love LettersFlea Market Love Letters

My Very Own Dear M.--- G---

Oh Darling if I ever longed or ached for you I have these last two weeks, it just seems as tho I could not stand it any longer.

Dear heart I am not going to stay in Sheldon very long.

Dearest I must hold you in my arms and talk to you soon or I will die of lonesomeness. Honey just think how you would feel if you were staying at my house and I was gone.

Sweetheart every thing speaks of you. Do you remember the apple trees we sat under a couple of Sundays, when we picked the apples off of it. I just couldn’t take my eyes off the place, it just seems as tho you would be back in a little while. And Darling it isn’t right that you are gone now, I look for you on every train.

I stayed home last night and this morning, Mamma put Margaret in the tub and oh how I wish she was ours and you were giving her a bath.

I want to get to school, and then get a place for us so we can be happy the rest of our lives. Oh sweetheart we will be so happy.

Darling did you ever see me when there wasn’t anything wrong with me, to night I have a cold in my head, so you know how I feel, I would like to go to bed, but just have to write. I haven’t written you a letter since you left, but darling you felt how much I love you just the same, haven’t you Dear?

We have much work to do that we work until dark and Friday night we had to clear up by lantern light. So my own I am so tired after supper I can’t get to bed fast enough.

But I wake up in the morning feeling fine. I have felt good up to now until I got this cold.

Mr Terry has his Gas engine over here. Friday we made about 225 Gall. of Cider and we figure we will have about 400 or 450 more Gal. to make. That night every one of the school faculty were down but one and then lots of town people down to watch us make the Cider.

Finch I think drank about two Gal.

Darling I wish you were here to have one of these nice big red apples on the table.

My Girlie my head feels rather stuffed up and bad, I must stop now.

Darling I hope you are taking good care of your self this week cold weather.

Goodnight my sweetheart, I will try to write more next week.

You love sick lonesome D-boy.


P.S. Your Mother said she would send you some money as soon as the rush was over in a couple of days. (can you read this I can’t)


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