Dearest –
I just received your letter a short time ago – and was so glad to get it it. As soon as I heard the mail slot click I ran down to see if I got a letter from my Sweety. And I did!
So you have the use of a bathroom this time? That’s really a break after all these weeks. I was afraid you’d forget how to use one and start “goin’ out back”.
Well, darling, I was over town yesterday and paid what I was supposed to. I didn’t go over to Mother’s though because they hadn’t come home from Sproul. Daddy was the only one home when I called. Consequently, I didn’t get a permanent. But I did go up to Al’s and he gave me a shampoo and finger wave. He would only take .75 instead of 1.50. I’d love to have him give me my permanent because he knows just how I want it. But I’d be foolish to pay for it when I could get it free. He would like me to work for him. He said if I’d work for him he’d take Dotty, too. Then I could work with her and as she got onto my way of doing things I could turn over my customers to her if I felt I didn’t want to work any longer. He said I should ask you to let me work for him. But I don’t want to yet. Any way it’s nice to know one is wanted. I went on a splurge yesterday so now I’ll have to take it easy the rest of the week.
I bought a hat yesterday, too, to wear with my suit but instead of getting a blue I got grey. So I figured I could wear that with everything I have for winter. And, besides, I’ll probably wear my grey shoes with it instead of blue ones I don’t like. It’s another dumb looking thing. I also went to see a picture with Robt. Montgomery and Janet Gaynor. Today I must go to Dr. B. A filling came out yesterday.
The insurance man was just here but he didn’t know how much it would amount to because the table gave only from 10 yrs. Up. But I filled the application and he took the policy – so that’s that.
My shoulder is getting so tired I can scarcely write any more. Gee, I wish i were up in the mountains again. I wonder how long it would take to tire me of the mountains? Maybe if I had to live there, I’d long for the city. Just fickle human nature.
My cold is better – how is yours? I still haven’t eaten anything solid and I do believe that has something to do with it not be so severe as it started out to be.
I think my pen’s supply has run out so I’ll be closing. I guess I won’t write any more this week because you may not get it.
Last night I said a big “wowa” for you, because I love you so much I don’t want anything to happen to you. You must be careful, darling. Again, I love you.